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How to Create a Strong Password?

How to Create a Strong Password & Avoid Password-Related Threats

A password is arguably one of the most underrated security tools nowadays. They are so ancient as a phenomenon, seen in so many applications and services, that understandably, people who use them for protection don’t know how problematic it is to break a strong password. Login credentials are a Helm’s Deep of any targeted system. Theoretically, crooks can crack them… Read More »How to Create a Strong Password & Avoid Password-Related Threats

What Is Rootkit?

What Is Rootkit?

Rootkit is a malicious program that threat actors use to gain unauthorized deep level access to the victim’s machine or it can also be a collection of malware tools both giving control over the machine. In the past rootkits were used by computer and network administrators for various legitimate reasons like providing remote support to end users. But threat actors… Read More »What Is Rootkit?