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VPN, Proxy, Tor

VPN vs Proxy vs Tor: Main Differences

You can use different proxy servers, VPNs, and Tor. This is useful when you need to change the IP address to access prohibited content in your region, or to hide your real location. Lets compare proxy vs VPN vs Tor, and figure out what is best to use for security purposes. What Is a Proxy Server? The user’s computer is… Read More »VPN vs Proxy vs Tor: Main Differences

VPN (Virtual Private Network) — What is Its Purpose?

What is VPN and why use it?

VPN (Virtual Private Network) is a networking technology that supposes the addition of a virtual server to the connection path. Additionally, such connection features encryption, and by-design masks the user’s IP address. VPN requires a server through which the traffic passes and some controlling software. However, people often think of VPN as some program you install and use. That’s true… Read More »What is VPN and why use it?