Loaris Trojan Remover Activation

Last modified: November 22, 2022

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Works great for all of your family members.

What is included:
done Regular database updates
done Threat removal function
done Scanning without restrictions
done Priority support

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for 2 computers

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Frequently Asked Questions

You need to buy a license or get a trial key. After purchasing or getting a trial license, you will email your activation code. Also, you can find a key in your Account of Member Area.

You can use one license for 1 PC. So, you need to install Loaris Trojan Remover on your another PC and enter a new activation key.

Loaris activate

Please, navigate to the Help tab where you can enter your personal activation code. Then please click “Activate Now!” button. Enjoy!

Loaris Key

If you already are our licensed customer and you need to know your activation code (product key) for any purpose, but you don’t know where you can do it – please go to the tab "Info" and see the "Product KEY" field.

In your Member Area you have an opportunity to track all licenses, to activate or deactivate subscriptions, to download the program and to buy related products.

Loaris profile

Open a My profile Tab in your Member Area, so you will have an opportunity to:

  • Set a profile picture (requirements for image – max. size 1 MB, supported image types: JPG, JPEG, GIF or PNG)
  • Change your personal information

In your Member Area you have an opportunity to track all licenses, to activate or deactivate subscriptions, to download the program and to buy related products.

Due to our agreement you can activate the license on 1 PC. The key blocks automatically if you have more activations.