Download & Install

Last modified: July 26, 2024

Download Trojan Remover

You can download Loaris Trojan Remover by clicking one of this buttons:

public Web Installer:
download_for_offline Full Installer:

Web Installer

Web Installer


Double-click on the setup.exe


Click Yes to confirm the installation


Click Install button to start the process

Full Installer

Once the installation executable is run the following window would appear:

Loaris Install step 1

Click “Next” button or click “Cancel” to exit Setup.

Loaris Install step 2

Please make sure to read the software license and limited warranty agreement. You may read more about it by clicking the respective article in this Help file.

Loaris Install step 3

Check the “Create a desktop icon” if you want Loaris to create the program's shortcut:

Loaris Install step 4

Click “Install” to complete the installation process.

Loaris Install step 5

You may choose for Loaris Trojan Remover to be launched immediately upon installation (after you click “Finish” button).

Loaris Install step 6